Seattle: Juice Press is now open in University Village

Have you heard of Juice Press before? Chances are that if you’re from the East coast, you’ve probably heard of them many times. But, here on the West coast, there has been a void that was just waiting to be filled. Thanks to Russell Wilson, the Seahawks’ beloved quarterback, we finally filled that void. During … Read more

The new Storks movie was worth the wait

Sponsored postWe went to the movie theater with the kiddos this summer and I missed the previews while I was getting my little one set to sit still for 2 hours. Normally, I get excited about missing previews because who wants to sit for an extra 10-15 minutes watching commercials? But, this time my kids were uncharacteristically upset that I hadn’t seen a specific movie preview and insisted on acting it out and reliving it over and over again. WP_20160922_09_03_39_ProThat movie was STORKS, and it dominated their thoughts all summer, especially these last few weeks when they would see posters, banners, and commercials for the new movie. They would yell, “That’s it mama! That’s the movie we wanna see – the one with the baby!” Storks-movieIf your kids haven’t been harassing you about the movie, here’s what you need to know:

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An Evening in Seattle with Tom Douglas and Macy’s Culinary Council

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's scared of cooking for others.  Yes, I cook for my family every day, but I don't really entertain over dinner.  If you come over around dinnertime I will come up with clever ways of not cooking that don't involve ordering pizza, or I will throw something together … Read more

Rösle Garlic Press

I resolve to… buy quality cooking gadgets (…and thus cook more) A few years ago my husband and I decided that since we couldn’t go out to a fancy Valentine’s Day dinner, the next best thing would be to cook something special at home.  We came up with the idea for each of us to … Read more