Back to School shopping with Northgate Mall in Seattle

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Can you believe fall is just around the corner? It seems like just last week I was walking the kids to and from school each day, packing lunches, and taking them to and from extra curricular activities, but here we are again ready to start a new school year. While I don't love the idea of summer ending and sending my kids to school, I do really love going back to school shopping.

Northgate-mall-03Last week we headed out to Northgate Mall in Seattle to shop our favorite stores and check out all the new stores they have added this summer. With great clothing and gear for all ages, it just makes shopping for everyone so easy.

It truly is a one-stop shop, which is why it's one of our absolute favorite places to shop. And, with back to school sales signs in nearly every window, now is a great time to hit the mall! Back to school sales at Northgate

Work on the go made easy with a Free T Mobile 4G Data Plan for Life

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

When many people think of work from home, they have images of working from anywhere but an office – whether that’s a park, a beach, the pool, or even while on vacation. The reality is that cords and Wi-Fi don’t reach that far, and some days I feel like I'm tied to my computer since it's so hard to do some tasks over smartphone. Thank goodness I found out about T Mobile free tablet data that solves the problem of working on the go, without requiring a separate Wi-Fi device or easy access to coffee shops. Welcome to my office

Disney’s MUPPETS MOST WANTED on Blu-ray Combo Pack today!

Sponsored postIn our family, Kermit is a very big deal. He is part of nearly all of our vacations and our vintage Kermit puppet has travelled extensively around the US and even into Canada and Europe. Kermit on Bull in ChicagoAre you like us and can’t get enough Kermit? You’re in luck because the new movie Muppets Most Wanted has not one, but TWO Kermits! Okay, it technically only has one, but don’t tell Constantine, aka The World’s Number One Criminal, that we’re not buying his impersonation of our beloved Kermit.

Keep summer boredom away with a DVD collection from NCircle

by Susan, editor and reviewer

It's no lie that our family enjoys watching TV together.  As a stay-at-home-mom of two active boys, we like to keep ourselves very busy with whatever we can; play-dates, walks to the park, gymnastics, tae kwon do, and even a living-room-destroying art project on occasion. Not to mention countless hours outside in the backyard dancing to our favorite songs. "Everything is AWESOME!!!" Boys playing outside at UWBut on those days when we're pooped, it's nice to cuddle with my boys and watch some TV together. And it's pretty amazing to watch my two littles get completely wrapped up into the stories unfolding in front of them. With an education background, I often prefer shows that {not to insult a certain sea dwelling yellow sponge} teach something. And many of the shows NCircle puts out educate my kids!

Skip the shopping trip with the new Walmart mobile app

Sponsored post basic disclosureP&G delivered to your doorDid you know that Walmart has a mobile app? Not only can you comparison shop and find great deals, you can also order now directly from your phone, making stocking up on home essentials easy and convenient. The image above might be a *slight* exaggeration, because the products came packaged in cardboard boxes, but the point is that I didn’t even have to leave home to get all my essentials.

Because this is what a normal shopping trip with my little jokesters looks like: Kids in the Bounty displayWho doesn’t want to hang out in a fort made from Bounty Select-A-Size paper towels?

Create your perfect pillow with the Naturepedic Trio organic pillow system

Sponsored post basic disclosureBefore I was a parent, I didn’t know how much difference a good night’s sleep really makes. Even though my kids {for the most part} sleep through the night and even allow me to sleep later than them some days, I have a horrible habit of staying up too late and then waking up too early. To add to the problem, I’ve also found that I seriously dislike all of the pillows I’ve bought in the past few years and seem to go through pillows like most people do groceries trying to find one that won’t keep me up at night tossing and turning.

Call me Goldilocks, but I have a stash of pillows that have been deemed too soft, too hard, too thick, or just plain too uncomfortable, and I’ve been searching for the elusive “just right” for years and years now.

Thank goodness for a chance encounter with Naturepedic at Gearapalooza Seattle because I finally got to talk to a pillow expert who was able to identify my problem and help me find something he thought might work for me. While I’ve been a fan of Naturepedic for years now and have their mattresses on my wishlist after reading more about what goes into traditional mattresses and the care that Naturepedic takes to ensure their products are the highest quality, I honestly had no idea that they carried pillows at all.

Indulge your inner gourmet with the new Samsung Chef Collection

Sponsored post basic disclosureSamsung LivingWhen we bought all of our home appliances back in 2006, we thought we knew what we were looking for. We had researched options, talked to people about their major appliances and what they liked and didn’t, and we agreed on the basics of what we didn’t want. But, we hadn’t moved into our home yet and we didn’t know some very important things about the house that would have been great to know when shopping for those big appliances.

I wish we had considered how hard it would be to get by the fridge if the doors were open, ovens that were better suited to baking, and how loud the dishwasher would be in our open concept and wood floor living space.

Huggies Snug & Dry Plus is at Costco now

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies® Brand. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Did you order your Huggies® Snug & Dry Plus Diapers and Huggies Natural Care® Plus Wipes free sample from Costco I posted about earlier this month? If you did, then you are likely as thrilled as I am with the new line and can't wait to order up a box or two from Costco.Huggies sample pack from CostcoI've been a huge fans of Huggies Natural Care wipes for both of my kiddos with their tendencies toward sensitive skin, and I was really excited to try the Huggies Natural Care® Plus Wipes these past few weeks for all our little messes. The wipes proved to be as awesome as I was expecting and we are now very big fans of the thick and soft wipes, especially because they don't have added perfumes to cause skin irritation.

Johnson’s shares their Promise To Baby

Sponsored post basic disclosureWhen I was expecting for the first time, my husband and I were beyond thrilled. We did all the first-time parent stuff like pregnancy journals, maternity pictures, and we busied ourselves getting ready for baby by decorating the nursery and washing all the little clothes.

One day, when we were dreaming of life with baby, my husband admitted that even more than little baby clothes and nursery decor, he was excited about the smell of Johnson's Baby Shampoo. Even though it had been a good 15+ years since I had used Johnson’s Baby products at that point, just the mention of the smell of the shampoo immediately brought me back. Johnson's Baby Shampoo

We need your help to give kids a Childlike Summer

I partnered with The Motherhood and ConAgra Foods to help spread the word about a Hunger Free Summer, but all opinions are my own. Childlike SummerI know I’ve said it before, but I love summer. The past few weeks have been a blur of playdates, farmer’s markets, library visits, and playing at our local parks. But, even with all this fun we’re having, I never forget how lucky we are.

Lucky because even though money is always a little tight with only one steady income, we never worry about whether we will go hungry. We have a well-stocked fridge and pantry, a small neighborhood co-op of small urban gardens that can provide anything we couldn’t afford otherwise at the grocery store, and we are able to give what we can to those less fortunate.
Picking Blueberries
All kids deserve to have a Childlike Summer in which they don’t worry where the next meal will come from. If we all do our part and give what we can {whether it’s time, energy, money, food donations, or even simply watching this video below}, we really can make a difference for the children in our communities.

Simply view this video to find out more about child hunger this summer. Or, better yet, share the video so your friends can watch/share/like it as well. For each of these actions, the ConAgra Foods Foundation will donate the monetary equivalent of one meal to Feeding America, up to two million meals*.