Fitness goals made easy with AT&T

It’s that time of year again when you shed your sweaters and jackets and get all ready for warmer weather and summer clothes… and then you realize that the dreaded swimsuit season is on the horizon again.  But, this year I’m going to be ready for it, thanks to a very welcome present from AT&T. … Read more

Spy Tec Inventio HD 720P video recording sunglasses {Review}

by Tyler, editor and reviewer Even from a young age, I was obsessed with spy technology.  I used to stay up at night thinking of how cool it would be if cameras could fit in the palm of your hand, if fingerprint scanners could lock your valuables or if Hollywood’s technology would ever be a … Read more

Mother’s Day Gift Idea – LG Optimus G Pro from AT&T

Just like so one will forget when they first heard the term “smartphone”, no one will ever be able to forget the first time they heard the term “phablet” {you know, a phone and tablet in one}.  My first time was in reference to my NOKIA 920 Windows Phone from AT&T, which I was assured … Read more

From toddler to teen: the answer is the Zazoo Kids photo clock

Up until just a few months ago, our kids were a parent’s dream at night.  We would literally pop them in their beds after their bedtime routine and not hear from either one again until I would have to wake them up in the morning.  Yes, true story.  But, while my son is still firmly … Read more

VINCI Tab III M 5” Learning Tablet {Review – Part I}

I love teaching my daughter new things and watching her eyes light up with each newfound piece of knowledge.  Nothing can beat the feeling of watching her process something complex or advanced for her age and seeing the puzzle pieces slowly come together as she gets the concept fully.  Unfortunately for us, I am vastly … Read more

Nokia 920s are red and violets are blue…

I think we all know that old rhyme.  I, for one, have been singing it all week as I’ve been learning and loving my new fire engine red Nokia 920 Windows 8 phone from AT&T that arrived just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day with me.    I’ve said before how utterly amazing it is that … Read more

ASUS Google Nexus 7” Tablet for the Ultimate in Portable Entertainment

Remember when computers lived in an office and basically took up the whole desk with all their various parts?  Then you probably remember how excited everyone was about the first laptops and how portable they were.  Funny to think we would be laughed out of a room if we called those first laptops “portable” today … Read more

Windows 8 + Urbanspoon Luncheon at Seattle’s Luc Restaurant

A few weeks ago, I got to do something many people only dream about: dine with a famous chef in a beautiful setting surrounded by fun and fabulous people.  The intimate event took place at Seattle’s Luc, a French-American restaurant owned by Top Chef judge and Top Chef Masters contestant, Thierry Rautureau {AKA The Chef … Read more

HP ePrint-Enabled Printer and XL Ink {Vlog}

You would laugh if you saw my “office”.  Not my actual office with the nice desk, wall-to-wall bookcases and storage to spare, no, you’d probably actually like that one.  But, you would laugh at what I call my desk, the one I sit at all day long.  With two young children that need to be … Read more