HP ePrint-Enabled Printer and XL Ink {Vlog}

You would laugh if you saw my “office”.  Not my actual office with the nice desk, wall-to-wall bookcases and storage to spare, no, you’d probably actually like that one.  But, you would laugh at what I call my desk, the one I sit at all day long.  With two young children that need to be … Read more

The Strength of 1

Strength can come from surprising places, and for many people, breast cancer is one of them.  From long battles by courageous women to inspiring survivors who educate others on the power of prevention and early detection, there are a whole lot of heroes out there fighting for a world without breast cancer.  Sometimes it’s as … Read more

Back to school with Lands’ End and Momtrends NYC event

Recently, I went back to school with 200+ bloggers while at BlogHer.  While we did load buses, take class pictures, and get report cards, this was a very different kind of school than you’re used to.  For one, this school was co-run by two of our favorite brands, Lands' End and Momtrends, and passing grades meant you got an adorable backpack to take home.

Liz, Xenia, Leanne
As usual, I got straight As.  But this time I can give some credit to the instructors who all did a wonderful job of teaching their “course” and for their very, very lax grading system that seemed to be mostly based off of attendance.

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The Most Delicious Hot Dog Grilling Tip EVER

With a brand new grill and an awesomely fun backyard, it’s really no surprise that this past month we’ve been doing a whole lot of outdoor grilling.  Because of this, I spend a lot of time finding grilling recipes and tips and tricks online.  When I heard that Applegate Farms had come to the Seattle … Read more

Sabra Hummus: Healthy Summer Snacking

My kiddos love Sabra hummus.  Maybe it’s because they think they are eating “dip” which they know they are not allowed to do, or maybe they just inherited hubby’s and my love of the stuff.  Whatever the reason, we’ll take it.  It’s quick and easy, it’s good for them, and it fills them up quick, … Read more

An American Girl: McKenna Shoots for the Stars Airs this Saturday, July 14th!

My daughter is officially American Girl obsessed.  Specifically, she’s obsessed with McKenna, the 2012 American Girl Doll of The Year.    What started off as a “look, she’s from Seattle!” infatuation has quickly turned into full-blown adoration with McKenna and her story.  Now, much of the day is spent discussing whether McKenna would wear her hair … Read more

Our Week In The Future {Kia Optima Hybrid Review}

by Tyler, editor and reviewer Last week I was spoiled by STI – The Drive Experience Company.  While I am currently driving the newest car I have ever owned {a spry 18 years old} I really don’t spend a lot of time in newer cars.  But, this last week I was lucky enough to drive … Read more

Celebrating National Camera Day with TCBY

Did you know that June 29th was National Camera Day?  Me, either.  Thank goodness TCBY Frozen Yogurt let me know, because celebrating National Camera Day with TCBY in hand was definitely the way to really get the most out of the holiday. I should admit that I love TCBY {with a passion} and that I … Read more

Note to self: No one wears hoodies to BlogHer

You’re not going to believe this, but in my past life I was *almost* fashionable.  While I wasn’t someone who tried all the fads and fashions, I at least kept my look somewhat updated and people actually came to me for fashion advice.  Now, not so much.  It turns out the sweatshirt and jeans thing … Read more