Nokia 920s are red and violets are blue…

I think we all know that old rhyme.  I, for one, have been singing it all week as I’ve been learning and loving my new fire engine red Nokia 920 Windows 8 phone from AT&T that arrived just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day with me.    I’ve said before how utterly amazing it is that … Read more

Valentine’s Day shopping, on a budget

If you know me, you know how much I love to save money.  I rarely buy items without a discount, and I love to help others save on the things that they buy as well.  Because of my love of savings, I'm no stranger to RetailMeNot, which is a great resource for online coupon codes … Read more

Shari’s Berries for Valentine’s Day

I don’t know about you, but as soon as I think February, all I can think of is chocolate.  I’m not really a Valentine’s Day person in general as I prefer to do something romantic on a random day when hubby least expects it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like gourmet Valentine’s Day chocolate. … Read more

One of a kind keepsake and handwriting jewelry from Lauren Nicole Gifts

You know those adorable things your kiddos write or draw that make you think, “I wish I could preserve this forever”?  For me, that is every time my daughter writes a letter “E” as it has three extra adorable squiggles.  My dad tells me it’s because she’s so emphatic, and I can’t help but agree.  … Read more

Meet American Girl Saige, 2013 Girl of the Year

If you have a doll age child, chances are you are a huge American Girl fan.  With two doll age children at our house and an American Girl store just minutes away, the Seattle store has become our unofficial hangout, our reward system for a perfect chore chart, and our special mommy-and-me tea party paradise.  … Read more

My New Year’s Resolution: More “Us” Time

I’m going to brag for a moment: I have the best husband.  Ever.  We met when I was in high school, during those awkward teen years when you’re still trying to figure everything out and it feels like you will never, ever become an adult.  It was a stage in which I wore flannel almost … Read more

Holiday Gifts for the DIY’er from Dremel {Dremel Saw-Max Review}

It seems like everyone these days is a DIY’er.  With the advent of Pinterest with detailed and pictorial instructions, it has become incredibly easy to redo an entry way, create a one-of-a-kind art installation, or even to renovate an entire house.  Where we used to lament our lack of built-ins or architectural interest, now we … Read more

There’s No Place Like Hallmark for the Holidays

For me, the holidays are not complete without a bag full of little boxes from Hallmark.  Growing up, we eagerly awaited our annual Hallmark ornament every December and we would speculate about what ornament we would open that year.  Whether we got something in our special Hallmark theme like penguins, mice, or puppies, or whether … Read more

Elfcapades Capture the Magic of Christmas

Nearly every morning I wake up to my daughter’s nose a few inches from mine, her eyes big as she whispers, “Let’s go see what those crazy elves did last night”.  So, basically, I wake up to Christmas spirit.  And, then we go downstairs to find cute things like this: Should you happen to ask … Read more