American Girl introduces Blaire Wilson

American Girl Blaire with kiddo

Every family wants that idyllic childhood for their kids. One that encourages togetherness, fosters wholesome family values, and allows for their kids to just be kids. American Girl is hands-down one of our very favorite brands for this very reason. Their newest Girl of The Year, Blaire Wilson, focuses on making connections and shows that the value of good old-fashioned friendships is the most important.

Matching Girls Monday: spring preview in Seattle

We have had a beautiful winter here in Seattle, with so much sun and warmth. I’m so looking forward to spring so we can get out even more and hike and bike with the littles.  But, for now, I’m going to just be grateful that this is our winter views. We may be wearing jackets … Read more

CES 2019, here I come

CES Ready

Remember last year when I was bragging that I survived my first CES? Well, it lured me in again with its promises of seeing the latest and greatest tech, with all the bright lights and dazzle that only CES can bring. Even I will brave a Vegas trip for that. I’m heading out tomorrow for CES … Read more

Matching Girls Monday: Gymboree sale shopping

Three kids in Gymboree 2

Oh, Gymboree… you did it again. I went in to buy next year’s matching PJs on clearance {please tell me everyone else does that, too}, and instead walked out with a huge bag full of clothing that I just couldn’t resist during their annual sale. One look at these adorable metallic deer skirts {Black Deer Jaquard … Read more

DIY decorative fauxglobe craft with Give Happy Cards

Happy Cards Happy Lady

This year a finally found the way to beat stress! This year, I found Happy Cards and I’m now one very happy lady. Happy Cards are the gift to give when you want to give choices. You can pick up a Happy Card for your recipient that pairs them with their favorite brands so they can choose where to spend it. No stress, no worrying. Just get happy. Give Happy.

Bruder Toys from Hammacher Schlemmer

Bruder UPS loading from Hammacher

Hammacher Schlemmer says their products are among the most unique, advanced, and unexpected in the world, and it really is true. I get giddy when one of their catalogs lands on my doorstep and I cannot wait to see what magic it holds. It has never, ever disappointed. This is definitely true with the new Bruder Toys UPS working Mack truck with forklift that is so realistic and detailed.

Aloka Colour & Shine LED Bedside Night Light

ALOKA lights

Thank you to Lumenico for sending their Aloka Colour & Shine Light for review. All opinions and thoughts are 100% ours. What kid doesn’t want their own special bedside night light with a design of their choice? That light becomes even cooler when you can control it with the included remote, and change it to … Read more

Best of both worlds: LG Watch W7 smartwatch with traditional watch movement

LG Watch W7 outside

I found the perfect gift in the LG Watch W7 Smartwatch from Best Buy. Not only does it combine all the smart functions I was looking for with the analog sensibility of real watch hands, it has the added benefit of looking much more like a traditional watch. Perfect for keeping in touch while working and at meetings where I don’t want to pull out my phone.

Faber-Castell art sets for the holidays

Faber Castell gelatos

Have kids, tweens or teens you’re buying for this holiday season? Stop stressing and get the art supplies. Craft supplies are always safe, and they are always appreciated whether your recipient is an amateur or well-versed in the arts.