For Your Valentine – Giddy Giddy Accessories

Giddy Giddy Accessories and Clip Holders “Giddy Giddy Goodies” Seriously, kids stuff is getting cuter by the minute.  All day long women with grown kids come up and say “they didn’t have that when my kids were little,” wistfully while checking out what new accessory baby is rocking that day.  Giddy Giddy clips and accessories … Read more

SleepyWrap Baby Carrier

“A Snuggly Sleep Solution” I would have never, ever figured out how to use the SleepyWrap without the instructions.  So, even though it just about killed me, I didn’t even try my normal first use without reading approach.  I read up on the instructions on the way to our destination and by the time we … Read more

Piggy Platter by Smarty Parents

Piggy Platter “Because we all know kids can be….messy” Not a Thanksgiving goes by where someone in the family doesn’t mention a specific incident involving my brother and a fort of mashed potatoes filled with gravy and the ultimate collapse of said fort walls as my brother began to eat.  Over 20 years ago, but … Read more

Rant – To All Ornament Storage Designers

"Forget building a better mousetrap – design a better ornament storage solution… please" Okay, so it's only January 4th and here I am posting my first rant of the year.  I'm just feeling like such a Scrooge this year, glad the holidays are over but shaking my head in awe at what they managed to … Read more

Belly Fish Nursing Pillow and Cover

Belly Fish Nursing Pillow and Cover by Dominic Carter, Inc. There are three types of nursing mothers: those who are over shirt, those who are under shirt, and those who let it all hang out.  My research into nursing products makes absolutely no mention of these three distinctions as if all mothers nurse their babies … Read more

Rakkiddo Shoe Wheel by Rakku Designs

Rakkiddo Shoe Wheel for Kids Okay, I’ll admit it, this shoe wheel looked like cheap plastic on the website. When my package finally arrived I couldn’t wait to get it open to slap it together really quick. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box to find a collection of heavy weight parts – 6 … Read more

Rileyroos Baby Shoes

Rileyroos           For decades there was literally one type of baby shoe available.  You know which one, you’ve seen it a million times.  Oftentimes it is plain white, sometimes it is bronzed.  But it’s always the same design.  Classic, yes, but rather boring.  And, as it turns out, it wasn’t the best for our baby … Read more

The First Years Breastfeeding Wrap

emember those cheap Halloween costumes you used to wear when you were a kid? I think these wraps are made out of leftover costume remnants from 1985. But, looks and texture aside, I went forth with my plan to test it out and report back.

The medicine dispenser that saved my daughter’s eyesight

I began an exhaustive search of the web to see what I could find to get her to ingest her medicine and I found the Munchkin Medicator, amongst other infant medicine dispensers. I canceled my plans for that evening and went on a tour of area pharmacies to try and track down a dispenser so we didn’t have to wait for one to ship. After six stores I had finally found the Munchkin dispenser and I couldn’t wait to get home and try it.