They say you should dress for the job you want, but I think that goes double for whatever work bag you decide to carry. The bag you carry sets the tone for your look, and it is the one thing that will be worn every single day, no matter what. So, ditch the cutesy large purse, drop the sportsy backpack, and definitely donate the lightweight tote that doesn’t protect your tech. It’s time for an upgrade with the Leather work bag from Anuent.

They call this the perfect women’s leather work bag from Anuent, but I would argue that this bag is perfect for anyone that wants to make an impression with their work bag. It’s stylish, it’s durable, and it looks like the classic soft leather briefcase you always imagined you’d carry to and from work.

The vintage inspired messenger bag is made from top-grain buffalo leather and it’s all ready to impress. Not only does it have an awesomely retro vibe, it can also keep you organized and ready for anything. At 16inx11inx4in, it’s not huge, but it’s the perfect size for all your work essentials, including standard file folders and laptops up to 15”.
I love that the bag opens by unclipping the clasps hidden beneath the vintage-inspired brass buckles. I mean, we all love the look of a classic buckled bag, but who wants to fumble with a buckle every time they need to jot a note? Now you can have the best of both worlds with the vintage buckle look, but hidden easy-open clasps that allow for easy access to all of your essentials.

Fold the flap over and you will find a zipper that helps keep little items from falling out of the messenger-style bag. Inside, you will find a nice cotton canvas liner throughout. Although the website showed a blue and white striped cotton, my bag has a solid brown color, which isn’t quite as nice, but still does the job well.

In addition to the cotton canvas, there is also a padded inner compartment that is perfect for keeping your laptop or tablet safe and secure in the leather work bag from Anuent. An inner zippered pocket is perfect for keeping flash drives and SD cards safe and secure.

Underneath the main bag flap are two more zippered pockets, which can hold a phone, external battery pack, charging cables, a computer mouse, and more. Add in a small zippered pouch with your favorite office essentials, and you can work from your car or on the road easily.
For even easier access, the women’s leather briefcase laptop bag has a zipper pocket on the backside, offering even easier accessibility for the things you need to use frequently and want to avoid opening/closing the entire bag every time you want to use it.

Also included is a canvas and leather removable strap that can turn the leather work bag from Anuent into a messenger style or crossbody bag with just a few clicks. If you want to use it like a traditional briefcase, just remove the shoulder strap and carry by the sturdy handle at the top of the bag instead.

Overall, it’s a sturdy and well-made little laptop bag that is perfect size for working on the road or just commuting to work. I love the vintage design that will hopefully stand the test of time and become a staple piece that is used every single day.
You can purchase the Leather Work Bag from Anuent