Since they first came out a few years ago, I’ve secretly wanted an EggMazing Egg Decorator. Alas, I convinced myself I didn’t *need* it because I don’t even really decorate much for Easter and I never host the egg coloring. But, every time I saw one in stores I had a little pang of regret, thinking how fun it would be with the kiddos.
So, when I saw that it’s no longer marketed simply for Easter, I saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe I could justify it if I could use it throughout the year. Enter: the DinoMazing. It’s dino themed {obviously}, and that means it’s year-round, right? Right. Sold.

So, what is the EggMazing Decorator?
Basically, it’s a simple machine that spins eggs. You then touch the spinning egg with the included markers and it creates super cool patterns and designs. You can do stripey designs, loose swirls, or get really creative with the movement of the EggMazing base.

It’s incredibly fun and relaxing to play with. Oh, and it’s easy and it’s minimally messy. In fact, it’s so easy and non-messy that our 1-year old guest had no problem figuring it out {it was the letting go of the marker that brought on tears}.
But, even though it’s easy to use, you can really do a lot with it. Case in point: it kept our tween’s attention for a shockingly long time.

What makes the DinoMazing Egg Decorator unique?
The DinoMazing Egg Decorator includes the same base of the original EggMazing {with dino-themed graphics, naturally}. But, instead of standard Easter-type eggs, it comes with… wait for it… dino eggs.

The eggs at first glance look pretty similar to the original model, but once you pop it in and color it with the included markers, you will see “cracks” in the egg like it’s ready to hatch. Speaking of hatching, once you crack open the decorated eggs, you will see a little packet inside with a collectible dino and gooey slime.

Both eggs have a dino inside with parts that can be swapped and changed as often as you like. You can create a true-to-record dino that a paleontologist would love, or you can make your own breed however you’d like.

Kit includes one decorator, two plastic eggs, and two mystery dinos with slime. The set also comes with 6 colorful markers, but we found two of ours didn’t draw so we used a combo of DinoMazing pens and sharpies to make our designs. 4 AA batteries required, but not included.

When we ran out of eggs {hey, three kids plus guest} we tried to use cheapie Easter eggs from our Easter bin. But, we found they were much too small for the decorator and struggled to stay spinning when the markers made contact. We plan to buy some replacement dino eggs so we can color some more as well as order bigger Easter eggs in white so we can play some more.

Hey, it’s 2020, why not order Easter eggs in October? Ready to shop for some EggMazing fun? See the whole EggMazing collection here.