It’s the day we've been waiting for! ZOOTOPIA is now out on DVD and Blu-ray!
As soon as I saw Disney's ZOOTOPIA movie, I was smitten. In so many ways, ZOOTOPIA was just as good, and in many ways better, than I had hoped. It had action, it had adventure, it had heart, and it had a really wonderful message.
Even months later, we’re all still talking about takeaways from the movie and parts that we really enjoyed as a family. The conversations are only getting better as we process the movie and discuss it further. Clearly this was a movie we needed to own.
Why should you own ZOOTOPIA? I'm so glad you asked. Here are just some of many reasons:
1) It starts a really important conversation about prejudice in a way that is easy for kids to understand while keeping them entertained and laughing throughout the whole film. Because prejudice is a rather abstract concept to most kids, showing these concepts with animals that are easy to identify with is a great way of getting through to them about such an important topic. Because of this, ZOOPTOPIA is a movie that every kid should see. Not just once, but they should watch it over and over until the messages really sink in. 2) Each character is really well developed. ZOOTOPIA may be a city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, but it's not hard to see the correlation to human culture infused through the film. The main characters aren't the stereotypical good guys and bad guys, they each have many facets to them that make them not just enjoyable to watch, but also relatable on many levels.
3) It shows why discrimination hurts us all. These animals aren’t just segregated into different sections of town with varying climates, but they are also very much divided in terms of what animals can fill what roles in society. In the film we see that many animals are discriminated against for their size, attributes, and most importantly, by what their ancestors roles were. It becomes clear that this isn't always best for society. By allowing a more diverse group to fill roles, it gives new perspectives and allows different traits to shine.
4) Adversity and obstacles can only keep you down if you let them. Our heroine, Judy Hopps {voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin} shows you that sheer determination is sometimes your best chance at making a difference.
5) Know when to hustle. Judy is smart, sure of herself, and she won’t let anything or anyone stop her. Give her a deadline and she will make it happen. Our world needs more Judys. 6) Take chances, even when others say you are crazy. Against the wishes of her family and friends, Judy decides to take a huge chance by moving to the Big City instead of following the traditional path and staying in Bunny Hollow. While most laughed at her dream, Judy knew that she had what it took, so she believed in herself and continued to pursue her dream.
7) People aren't always what they seem. A charismatic fox con artist named Nick Wilde {Jason Bateman} should be her enemy, but Judy sees something in him that even he doesn't see. When Judy and Nick must work together to solve the mystery and restore peace in ZOOTOPIA, they become unlikely allies and then friends. 8) Believe in a better world. Judy believes in the utopia that is ZOOTOPIA and in treating those around you with respect – even those who typically don’t get a lot of respect in their animal society. She also doesn't believe you have to be big and powerful to make an impact, even the smallest of us can be the catalyst to make the world a better place.
9) The movie is hilarious. The movie isn't deep or dark as you might think based upon this list. It's actually laugh out loud funny, in too many spots to count. The humor of taking animals and giving them human-like jobs and roles is always a hit with kids, but there is also some really clever less-obvious humor that was really fun to discuss with my husband after the movie. Little things like familiar logos and products being made animal-suitable, and clever plays on words and references to pop culture that had us smiling throughout the film.
10) It's a great way to start a dialogue with your kids. I don't know about your kids, but my kids give one word answers when I ask them if they like or dislike something. It's only if I keep asking them questions that they ever really open up and reveal their true thoughts. Let ZOOTOPIA be that conversation that delves into deeper understandings of relationships, prejudice, humor, and society as a whole. You just may be surprised by what they have taken away from the film.
11) The bonus features are amazing! We really loved Nick's Wild Times pitch where he pitches building an amusement park, the ZPD Forensic Files, and I loved seeing the alternate opening. The kids loved the alternate Jumbo Pop and the music video and they begged to watch the bonus features over and over again.
Want some ZOOTOPIA fun? Check out this video on how to draw Judy Hopps:
And, how to draw Flash
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