Like most kids, my children are obsessed with stuffed animals. They have stuffed animals they have gotten from toy stores during our adventures, dozens from friends and family, still more that they won at fairs and carnivals, and some that they get at events we go to.
And, the level of love that they have for these stuffed animals usually goes in that order. Silly carnival and event animals usually have a 3 month or less shelf life around here before they ultimately get ditched and then thrown in the donate bin, but those given as presents and those from our adventures typically become beloved friends that they play with day after day. One day while they were playing Zoo with all their stuffed animals it dawned on me that most of their favorite stuffed animals for playing with are Aurora Miyoni Signature Series. This isn’t really a surprise considering the life-like detail that goes into each Miyoni plush. My kids have great imaginations, but even they don’t want to play with purple cats and tigers with hats. No, they prefer animals that you can almost believe are the real deal.
These adorable plush make play time even more magical by adding a level of detail you just don’t find in cheap stuffed animals. Every little detail down to the eyes and markings on their fur make them look just like the real thing, which makes them the perfect best friend and bedtime buddy. Made with high quality materials that make them super soft for snuggling, Aurora’s Miyoni line isn’t just for displaying – they are made to be played with.
With tons of domestic and jungle animals as well as North American wildlife available in both adult and baby animals, your child really can create their own jungle safari, their own zoo, or simply create animal families with baby and mama. Each year the line grows bigger and the Aurora Miyono animal kingdom offers even more fun. This year I fell in love with the new Miyoni Unlikely Friends series that includes two Aurora Miyoni animals of different species snuggling or kissing. My kids especially love the 12in Chocolate Lab & Angora Kitten set that includes both of their favorite stuffed animals – kitties for my oldest, puppies for the baby. They came sewn together in a kissing position, but could easily be cut apart so that each kid could have one of the set for their own. For now we’ve left them sewn together because it’s just so cute, but we do plan on separating them at some point.
This holiday season, surprise a little one in your life with a stuffed friend from the Aurora Miyoni line. With so many animals to choose from, there is the perfect snuggle and playtime pal for any child.
Aurora has a full line of animals, stuffed friends, available at hundreds of retailers throughout the US. Find them at toys stores, department stores, and specialty stores locally, or shop Aurora World online.
How would you like to win an Unlikely Friends set to share with your little one? Enter below!
I like the YELLOW LAB AND CALICO KITTEN. The kitten looks just like my Clementine.
ANGORA CAT & BEAGLE PUPPY ..we have a beagle 🙂 but any would be awesome.
They aren’t a set but the Koala and Sloth are my favorites!!
My favorite is definitely 12″ YELLOW LAB AND CALICO KITTEN set
I like the White Tiger and Bengal tiger.
I think the 12″ ANGORA CAT & BEAGLE PUPPY set is adorable.
I like the German Shepard and Tabby Cat set.
my girls would love the medium pug
I love the 12″ YELLOW LAB AND CALICO KITTEN pair. So cute!
I think my kids would love the 12″ ANGORA CAT & BEAGLE PUPPY!
I would love the yellow lab and calico kitten! So cute
I like best the MOTHER DUCK & DUCKLING!
I would prefer the 12″ GERMAN SHEPHERD & TABBY KITTEN.
The German Sheperd and the Tabby Kitten is sooooo cute! how sweet of these toys!
12″ YELLOW LAB AND CALICO KITTEN is what I would choose.
I like German Shepherd and Tabby Kitten.
i would like to get the yellow lab and tabby kitten, we have pets that resemble those.
The chocolate lab and angora kitten would be great for my kids. Thanks for the chance!
I like all of them! My favorite is the 12″ GERMAN SHEPHERD & TABBY KITTEN.
I also like the White Tiger and Bengal tiger.
I like the sloth and the hedgehog!
My daughter would love the White Tiger & Bengal Tiger Cub. So cute!
I’d like the yellow lab and calico kitten, super cute!
I would like the 12″ ANGORA CAT & BEAGLE PUPPY
I like all of them! Would be happy with any pair so sweet
I just love the German Shepherd and the Tabby kitten, but they are all so adorable! Thanks so much for the chance!
I love penguins so it would have to be the 15″ EMPEROR PENGUIN AND CHICK for me lol [email protected]