Rain City Box – Seattle {and beyond} delivered right to your door

Sponsored postIt’s no secret that we’re big fans of the Pacific Northwest here at Rave & Review. Having grown up in the Seattle area, our whole lives are here and it’s the only place we can imagine calling home. We show our Pacific Northwest pride with hashtags, Seahawks gear, and our “we don’t care if it rains, we all have hoods” attitude, but if only there was some other way.

A way to buy local, show our PNW pride, and a way to keep our favorite local companies in business. Even better if all of this was in one place and could be delivered right to your doorstep. Seattle by ferryThat’s the mission behind the new Rain City Box. By working with Pacific Northwest vendors and artisans to share the taste, sights, and wares of this city we call home, Rain City Box makes it easy to order up some local pride, or gift it to other PNW fans.

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Seattle style for the great outdoors from Kaidel Sportswear

Family cycling jerseys from Kaidel
As our header would have you believe; we are big into biking as a family. I’ve posted before about how Spandex-free biking is the way that I roll, typically with skirts, dresses, cute little flats, and other items you wouldn’t expect to see on someone pedaling past you. But, what you don’t know is that my husband secretly wants to be a real biker. You know, the kind that doesn’t wear flip flops.

The past few years have been a slow upgrade process; first with the fancy new street bike, then with quick clip pedals, and then the biking shoes to fit the pedals. The next step was getting him to look more like a biker, with appropriate clothing and gear so he could go out on all day rides comfortably.

So, naturally when Kaidel Sportswear, a Seattle company, contacted us with the chance to try out their family cycling and running jerseys, we said yes. And, as excited as I was to find some fun Seattle-themed biking gear for hubby, I also loved that they carried childrens bicycle jerseys as well so I could get father/daughter cycling jerseys.

Father daughter kaidel jerseys

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I Found My Perfect Fit: Lee Jeans Style Party

Who out there isn’t familiar with Lee Jeans? Since 1889 they have been creating denim for both working in and playing in, and to this day they are still one of the first brands people think of when they think jeans. From my early childhood in the 80s to the resurgence of Buddy Lee {above} … Read more

Fresh Produce Clothing for All Seasons {Review}

As someone that travels frequently, I’m always searching for tips while packing to maximize each piece of clothing I bring.  A long time ago someone very wise give me the tip to stick to a specific color scheme so everything can mix and match once you get there.  Unfortunately for me, my travel pieces are … Read more