LeapFrog My Pal Scout

I would like to introduce you to the only toy my daughter asks for by name, the My Pal Scout interactive puppy (This is of course assuming that his name…

Madeline Turns 70

Who doesn’t love an anniversary celebration?  We’re marking the 70th anniversary of Ludwig Bemelmans’ Madeline, the book that first introduced the world to one of the most beloved characters of…

CuteyBaby Wall Decals

Everyone knows that I love customized and personalized products.  When those products are made especially for my daughter, well, I just can’t resist.  This is evidenced in the fact that…

MSR Mutha Hubba HP Tent

Every year around this time I can’t help but wonder where summer went.  It always seems like I had this great list of activities I was going to do; I…

2009 Holiday Gift Guide

We’ve compiled the best of the best for gift giving this Holiday Season and are presenting them by category to make your shopping as easy as possible.  Be sure to check…