Seattle: get festive at Wild Waves Holiday With Lights

Wild Waves and Enchanted Village was such a huge part of my childhood, and I’m embarrassed to admit my kids have never been to either. We drive past it plenty and we’ve talked for years about making it happen, but we always ended up getting booked with travel and never made it happen. When I … Read more

The gift of you from Helix

Sometimes buying something from a store for the holidays just doesn’t make sense. Whether your recipient doesn’t need anything at all or something from a store just doesn’t seem special enough, we all have people on our list who just need something different. Helix is that “something different”, and it’s quite possibly the coolest thing … Read more

Put the focus on science with My First Lab microscopes

My daughter asked for a microscope for years and years, and we finally relented last year for her 8th birthday when we threw her a science birthday party. Ever since that day, she has been “sciencing” everything she can get her hands on, and we love it.  Before we got it for her, we did … Read more

Staying on the go and adventure-ready this fall is easy with Dr. Scholl’s®

#advertisement I received compensation from Dr. Scholl’s® to write this post. All opinions are entirely my own. #CustomFitRelief #DrScholls A few years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter, my doctor was horrified when I walked into her office wearing shoes that are notorious for their lack of arch support. But, what she didn’t … Read more

Build, learn, and play with Modarri cars

My son has been obsessed with cars since he first learned to grasp. He’s gone through stages with every scale toy or model car at this point, but there are certain cars that stand the test of time and get played with year after year. On that short list are Modarri cars, the DIY toy … Read more

Limitless fun with Antsy Pants Build And Play kits

If I was describing the perfect toy, it would be something that was a project. Something that took a while to set up, provided customizing opportunities so the kids can get creative, and it would have an ambiguous design that allowed for almost limitless play. All of this adds up to something that the kids … Read more