As parents, we categorize toys into four main groups:
- novelty toys that are fun for a bit and then get abandoned within hours
- toys that kids play with for days and then ditch before they have even been in the house a month
- toys that don’t get played with every day but are still returned to month after month
- and, finally, those special toys that are an essential part of play nearly every single day, year after year.
As you can imagine, there are lots and lots of toys that fall in those first two groups, and not so many that fit in the third group. As for that fourth group? It’s like a rare unicorn and you never know when, or where, you will find it. For us, the Lundby dollhouse is one of a handful of toys that squarely fit in that fourth group without ever wavering. From the moment the kids opened the Lundby dollhouse all those years ago, they were hooked. And then, with all the redecorating, DIYs, and crafting we have done on it throughout the years, the Lundby dollhouse just kept getting more and more beloved as we all added our personal touch to the house.
So, when we got home from Boston and were greeted with a huge package from Lundby that contained a brand new Lundby dollhouse, the sideboard/TV set, and the awesome Lundby remote, it was declared as the Ever since we saw a sneak peek of the newest Lundby items on social media and got wind of the remote, I was dying to try it out.