ERGObaby Carrier

“Ergo we go” I had seen the ERGObaby carriers around town for a few months and was always curious about them but I hadn’t realized just how excited I was to try the ERGObaby until I got my own.  Taking it out of the package, I was oddly giddy as I pictured baby and me exploring … Read more

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on DVD

Hurry, the Disney vault is open!   Re-released on 10/6/09 for the first time in 7 years, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs new Diamond Edition Combo Pack is out just in time for the holidays.  In preparation for my daughter’s inevitable “princess phase”, we have set about collecting the Disney movies as they come … Read more

Baby B’Air Flight Safety Vest

I hadn’t realized how few safety precautions are available for children in-flight until my daughter was four months old and she flew for the first time.  Realizing as we sat down that there was absolutely no seatbelt or harness available, I was scared to death for the flight and the prospect of turbulence as we … Read more

No steps ‘til… Brooklyn

There is a general rule on how you are supposed to handle large milestones in a baby’s life: first there’s the call to close family and friends, and then there’s the updates on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Chat Rooms, Friendster and whatever new social networking site you crazy kids are using these days. But, instead of … Read more

Earthmate PN-40 GPS by DeLorme – Geocaching, anyone?

Most people hear GPS and the first thing they think of is dash-mounted vehicle units to help guide you in the car.  I’m here to talk with you about GPS when your method of travel is by bike, foot and car.  The DeLorme Earthmate series handheld GPS are perfect for hiking, biking, boating and more, but … Read more

I Have Your ticket to Family Game Night: Out Of The Box Games

We enlisted a large group of extended family and friends to help us test them and each and every one gave them a ringing endorsement. As board game connoisseurs, we are always thrilled when we find a game that we can add into the favorite game rotation and bring out at any event, and Out Of The Box has a full list of game titles that fall in that category.

Lauren Nicole Gifts

Personalized necklaces have become really popular in the past few years, and it’s easy to see why.  There is really no better way to show off your kiddos, your significant other, your pets, or to commemorate a life-changing event like motherhood or marriage.  Anyone who knows me personally already understands my deep love of all … Read more

Shred Sled Review

Thank you to Shred Sled for this review and giveaway opportunity. No compensation was received in exchange for this Rave Review.  “You’ll twist your ankle.”  That’s the response of everyone over skateboarding age when they see the Shred Sled for the first time. But you know what? This little skateboard-esque good time is not created for … Read more

Aravon Shoes Rave Reviews

Comfort Engineering by New Balance I have a non-negotiable rule: the only time you will ever find me wearing uncomfortable shoes is when I am a bridesmaid.  That leaves roughly 365 days in most years that I need to find comfortable shoes to wear.  When I am traveling or when the weather’s good and we … Read more

Sierra Designs Lightning XT-4 Tent

Camping means entirely different things to different people.  Case in point: the first time my wife and I decided to go camping together and were comparing gear to see what we needed to bring.  When it came time to talk tents we both ended up laughing hysterically at one another and our tent choices.  I … Read more