Britax B-READY Stroller

By now you're probably sick of hearing of how excited I am to check out the B-READY Stroller from Britax, but I think you're going to understand why when you hear about all this stroller can do.  Don't believe me?  Check out my good friend Lena's blog and read about why this is her favorite stroller … Read more

WW: Introducing Our Newest Reviewer!

Rave Central welcomed its newest reviewer this past Wednesday, September 29th! We are really excited to introduce you to our sweet baby boy who is happily reviewing three items as I type this.    

Takeya Tea Maker

Cozy At Home Event: Day 14 Tea is the drink of choice here at Rave Central.  Whether it is served over ice or steaming in our special snowman mugs we use year-round, our tea cabinet is one of the most used cupboards in our kitchen.  Until recently, I thought we owned just about every cool … Read more

Art Prints for Kidz Vintage and Original Art

 Cozy At Home Event: Day 12 Since I’m a photographer and my sister is an amazing painter, wall space is really at a premium in our house.  It’s not that I don’t love other people’s work, it’s just that I have a hard time choosing between pictures and paintings we already own so introducing other’s … Read more

Novica Home Décor and Gifts

Cozy At Home Event: Day 12 Everyone who knows me well knows that I would shop only at farmer’s markets and art fairs if I could.  In fact, our summers are usually planned around the next artisan market within driving distance.  This is partially because I love having pieces that are truly unique but mostly … Read more

Yo Gabba Gabba! There’s A Party In My City!

I can’t tell you how sad I was the last time YO GABBA GABBA! THERE’S A PARTY IN MY CITY! Tour was making waves and I found out the party actually wasn’t in my city.  For all of you that were as sad as I was that your city was passed by, I’ve got great … Read more

WheelyBug Ride-On from Prince Lionheart

I must admit that I fell in love with the wheelyBUG from Prince Lionheart well before my daughter even knew they existed.  Besides loving their multi-directional castor wheel style movement that allows kiddos to spin 180s and get around with ease, they are also beyond adorable.  It’s these reasons that make it one of my … Read more

George Foreman Evolve Grill

Cozy At Home Event – Day 9 When I think of George Foreman, I automatically think of the iconic grill that was wildly popular during my adolescence.  I still remember all the healthy cooking commercials and the fact that just about everyone I knew owned their own George Foreman Grill.  In fact, my family owned two – … Read more