More Elf-Magic Elfcapades

As most of you know, we have been hosting an elf these past few weeks at our house.  From the moment we wake up until it's bedtime, you can usually find our elf, Ryan, with us.  Well, that is if you can keep track of him.  Even though he still sleeps a lot of the … Read more

Waterpik Ultra Water Flosser for a Healthier Smile

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 37 There are at least a few of you out there shaking your heads wondering how a water flosser made its way onto a gift guide.  For all of you, I would like to submit the fact that both my husband and I have had a Waterpik Water Flosser on … Read more

Holiday Shopping at TJ Maxx and Marshalls

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 36 This past year has been all about saving money, which means that we really only go shopping when we have a huge coupon or when we’re headed to a discount store.  Because of this, T.J. Maxx and Marshalls have been my main source of new clothing purchases and gifts … Read more

Step2 Deluxe Workshop

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 35 Many of you will remember when my two year old got her own apartment this last summer.  Well, it turns out that living on your own is expensive, because it appears my little one has also gotten herself a job.  In fact, I think she’s working overtime these days … Read more

I made the switch to Microsoft Office 2010

Most everyone who knows me knows how much I adore Excel and how I use it daily.  If there’s a way to organize my thoughts in Excel, you can bet I’m doing it.  It’s basically the way I keep track of everything, including my review and giveaway schedule.  Since I have been using it daily … Read more

Mixbook Custom Photo Book

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 32 If you haven’t created your own photo book yet, now is the perfect time to give it a shot.  I recently found Mixbook and was so excited to see that it solved all of my reservations I had had about photobook software in the past.  I got to create … Read more

Natura World Sleep Envelope – Natural, Organic, and Green!

Cozy At Home: Day 34 Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to figure out what chemicals and toxins surround us on a daily basis.  While there may be quite a few environments you cannot control, your bed shouldn’t be one of them.  Your bed should be a place where you can breathe and sleep easy, … Read more

KaZAM Balance Bike

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 30 Riding a two-wheeler is a huge milestone in a child’s life and one that puts fear into the hearts of most parents.  That’s why we do crazy things like keep them on tricycles for longer than we should and adding training wheels to their big bikes.  My husband even … Read more

Mauviel M’héritage Professional Copper Cookware

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 26 When talking about the ultimate in kitchen luxuries, there really is no disputing the fact that copper cookware is at the top of that list.  Whether you are a gourmet cook or are just getting started, chances are that at one point or another you longed for a set … Read more

ThinkGeek for Hard-to-Buy-For Teens

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 25 No one wants to open presents on Christmas and find the same old boring presents that you’ve seen a million times.  I remember one year when I was a teenager that I opened up the exact same present from three different people, which was, coincidentally, a present most of … Read more