A big thank you to Keys & Kingdoms for sending us their MeloQuest set to review. We can’t wait to learn piano with Keys & Kingdoms.

Like many children, I was forced to play an instrument when I was younger. My parents decided all of us kids would all take piano lessons when I was around 5 years old, and that was that. For the next 6 years I struggled through lessons, and never even got to the point where it became fun. Looking back now, I’m glad that I know the basics of piano, but I wish it had been different for me.
As a mom, I’ve been torn on how to approach lessons for my own kids. I mean, on one hand, I want them to play the piano like I did. On the other, I know they would resist lessons if it took up an entire afternoon every single week. So, what’s a mom to do?
She calls in Keys & Kingdoms, of course.

Learn piano with Keys & Kingdoms
Keys and Kingdoms is the first ever role-playing game that teaches real musical skills while you play. You unlock the music as you journey through the dream world of Harmonia that is full of music, mystery, and magic. The game helps you build up skills, play songs, and create music through an adventurous, playful, and inspiring role-playing game.

Again, this is not piano lessons. Calling Keys & Kingdoms “piano lessons” is kind of missing the point. These aren’t typical lessons, and I trust that your kids will enjoy them a million times more than they would actual piano lessons.

Seeing my kids thrilled to practice piano has been amazing, and I owe it all to Keys & Kingdoms. You see, we’ve *had* a keyboard for years. And, it’s been neglected so bad that no one can even remember how it works. I was pretty sure we were doomed to never teach the kids piano until we found Keys & Kingdoms.
The key to Keys & Kingdoms
The key to the system is that it doesn’t feel like learning the piano. Instead, it feels just like a game that my kids would beg me to play. Only this game is 100% educational and teaching them a skill that can help them in many aspects of life – like math, science, and arts.

I should clarify that I didn’t hide the fact that it would be teaching them piano, I just focused more on the “saving Harmonia” part of the pitch when I gave it to them. They were sold, and we haven’t looked back. And, this wouldn’t have worked if the game itself wasn’t good on its own. The story is great, and it really hooks their interest, enough so that they forget that they are also learning a new skill.

So, what’s the secret? Keys & Kingdoms uses effective teaching methods that develop real skills faster than you can imagine. Their system gives your kids a powerful new way of learning called the Sight Reduction Method {SRM}. This allows kids to pick up music fast through rhythms, beats, and sound recognition while reducing visual dependency.
How to use Keys & Kingdoms
1). First, you will need to download the game from the KeysAndKeyboards.com site and put it on the device your children will practice on. Keep in mind that it may be hard to get the device back once they’ve started playing, so don’t choose your phone.

2). Second, connect a keyboard. You can use your existing keyboard or purchase the set with the keyboard included at BestBuy.com. A note about the keyboard: the ad materials show a sleek silver keyboard, but the game is still shipping with their much bigger and bulkier keyboard models as of last month that are shown in this review. Hopefully the sleek keyboards are available soon!

3). Third, get ready to learn real music. The game will guide you through learning in a way that really feels like playing a game, and it will track your progress and teach you new skills as you go. In addition, us parents will get weekly emails with a report that lets you track your child as they progress through the game. You will find out how long they played, what new skills they were working on, and their mastery of each lesson.
Learn piano with Keys & Kingdoms
The game looks and feels just like many of the other games my kids love, only with one big difference: it doesn’t have a typical controller. Instead, game movement is all done on the included keyboard. You will learn how to move your character by way of keyboard as well as use the keyboard for every task throughout.

This way of teaching is not only memorization, but also teaches ear development, composition, technique, and ultimately performance.
Throughout your journey you can team up with powerful companions that will help you on your way, and navigate Harmonia together. In the process you will learn simple melodies, beats, and eventually be able to learn and play popular songs from top artists.

I highly recommend Keys & Kingdoms to any family looking to bring music into their homes. It’s a great concept and the execution is even better than I hoped. They truly enjoy playing the game and beg to pull it out, and I couldn’t be happier. Teaching music wasn’t something I was looking forward to as a mom, and especially now that we’re faux schooling. But, Keys & Kingdoms saved the day {week, month, year, whatever} by making it super easy to give my kids a background in music.
Ready to buy Keys & Kingdoms for the holidays?
You can see more about the system at KeysAndKingdoms.com and click through to Best Buy in order to purchase.

Graeme and I feel so blessed to be able to share our game with your sweet family 🥰. It means so much for us to hear all the stories of how so many are learning to love music again in a creative way!! Please keep in touch!
~The Winders
Keys & Kingdoms is fantastic. My kids love it and play it every day. My daughter Hollee is 12 years old, Chris is 8 and Hillary is 5 and we have a baby girl Hannah on the way. They all play daily and now can play the piano.They love the adventure.
Who ever the inventor is , Wow he is brilliant.
Thank you so much.