Goodbye 2015, it’s been a great year

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

2015 was a great year all around. Not just for the fact that I finally made that fireplace mantle I'd promised my wife years ago, or our amazing trips together up and down the West Coast as well as our big trip to the Caribbean and then over to Georgia. No, what made this year truly amazing was that we not only added our third {and likely final member} to our little family, and we also made huge strides towards getting healthy, together. FDSC00893
As you get older you really start to feel your age more. As I've become much more aware of the fact that I'm no longer in my twenties, I've found myself needing to pay a little more attention to personal upkeep. This is where
Jenny Craig came in.

You may remember that my wife and I did the Jenny Craig program together in late summer/early fall. But, what you may not know is that after finishing our review period with Jenny Craig, we decided to stick with it a little longer since we were both having such great success in the program.

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Raising kids: beating body issues and focusing on health

Sponsored postBy Leanne, editor and founder

Obesity is an epidemic these days. One look around the local park or school yard and it’s clear that it is affecting kids younger and younger these days. Every parent wants their kids to beat the odds and to not deal with weight issues at a young age, but there is a fine line you must walk so your child doesn’t develop body image issues.

So, what’s a parent to do? I first need to be as healthy as possible and maintain a healthy weight to set a good example. I need to model an active lifestyle that will encourage my children to get out and stay moving. And, finally, I need to not let them see me obsess about my weight… and especially not theirs.

There are some things on this list I feel like I’m doing a good job with, like discouraging laziness by limiting TV, tablets, and games that the kids zone out in front of. Instead we do lots of walking, biking, and we play lots of sports together. But, I also know there are some things on this list I do need to work on, and that is taking care of myself. Jenny Craig Before Picture 2Today my baby is already 7 months old {sniff, sniff}, and it’s time for both hubby and I to get back into the shape we were in before baby. We were talking the other day about making healthier food choices and staying active. We came to the decision that we need to do it now while the kids are young, and while we still feel young. But, we were careful not to say things like “diet” or “lose weight” around the kids. The focus is always health, not weight.

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Say hello to our newest little reviewer

Three babies RRBaby is here! Our sweet baby girl arrived almost a week ago and all of us are already crazy about her. So far, she’s been a dream. She has spent most of her time sleeping or cooing quietly in our arms while everyone begs to hold her next, and has proven to be quite the good little traveler. She's already slept through a few hours of road trips, a ferry ride, a day exploring the islands, and even made it in time to see our beloved Seahawks in the Super Bowl. All that in 6 short days.  First Super BowlThe kids especially are over the moon about her and every time she makes even the tiniest noise they come running to help. I know this super helpful phase won’t last forever, but I’m enjoying it immensely right now. What makes me the most happy is that based on what I’m seeing they are going to be truly good helpers when I need them to be, and that’s more than I expected from a 6 and 4 year old. Meeting baby for the first timeAs for her actual birth, it was quick and went smoother than I ever could have dreamt. Even the nurses who helped me deliver her were commenting that her delivery was absolute perfection and exactly what they want for themselves when they have babies. I haven’t seen hundreds of births every year, or even more than a handful, but based on the stories I hear and have read from other moms, my births are what everyone hopes for and this one was the easiest yet. Kissing newborn
Our birth story:

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