Creativity for Kids gardening kits make any staycation fun

Creativity for Kids volcano

I know all you mamas out there are trying your best to help your kiddos cope with the new restrictions and fears that we all are experiencing. At this point, I’m looking for any way at all to eliminate some of those worries, and I am so thankful I had some educational fun stashed away from Creativity for Kids.

Go Hydro and grow food 365 days a year with Root Farm

Never heard of hydroponic gardening? Hydroponics {which means “working water” in Latin} is a great way to grow clean, strong plants, indoors or out, 365 days a year. Hydro gardening is different than traditional gardening in that plants are grown above ground and without soil, using a water-based nutrient solution and a growing media. You control the growing environment so it’s easier to give plants the nutrients they need to thrive.