JumpSport Elite Trampoline {Review}

Trampoline picture - mama  Lily  Jonathan and Ali
Fun fact: just like blowing bubbles or skipping through a park, I firmly believe it is impossible to jump and bounce on a trampoline without smiling. While I don’t have any scientific proof this is true, I remain 100% convinced this is a fact and could show you hundreds of pictures of us bouncing on our JumpSport Trampoline over the last few weeks as “evidence”. Just the thought of someone frowning and grumpy on a trampoline makes me laugh.

As for me, I think I have a genetic disposition that causes me to giggle uncontrollably as soon as I set foot on our JumpSport trampoline. I say this is genetic, because every single person with a blood relation to me has the same trait, including my siblings, cousins, and my two adorable kiddos. Maybe this is why they beg to bounce daily and why we’ve spent most of our summer thus far on our trampoline. 

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Woody Rocking Horse from Prince Lionheart

I spend a lot of time hiding kid’s toys. Hours of my time each week are spent camouflaging the collection of plastic junk my kids have amassed in 3 short years and finding suitable containers to store them in that I can stand to look at every day.  This, of course, means I love it … Read more