It’s now been three years of blueberry picking and pie contests with our fun-loving neighbors*, and to celebrate we headed off to Mountainview Blueberry Farm in Snohomish, WA. Our annual tradition usually just includes picking berries together and then making pies later to share, but this year they invited us over after picking to bake pies together, and it was absolutely wonderful.
They started off as neighbors* and are now some of our greatest friends, so much so that we’ve had the “how are we related?” talk numerous times throughout the years because the kids have all just assumed they were cousins somehow. I love getting the kiddos together as many times as we can manage each year and I hope these kids always get confused about whether they are related or not. It’s been really great to see all of our individual relationships, and families, grow throughout the years as we each added a third child to our crew. The two newest additions are affectionately nicknamed the “rosebuds” and I love that they are growing up surrounded by cousin-friends and a big gaggle of girls. Sorry, lone boy. It’s definitely a girls’ world here.
We’ve even converted our neighbors* to the life of matching, just like my girls. These adorable dresses from Gymboree were the first matching outfits we ever bought for their girls, which I surprised them with when their littlest one was on the way. Of course, my girls *needed* to get the same dresses as their friends, so now we have neighbor matching girls dresses that we basically plan on stretching out until the littlest one graduates from high school.
Seriously, how sweet are these girls? The original three, the first BFFs, cousin-friends for life.
Speaking of sweet, the pies were pretty awesome, too. I made my crust in my bread maker on the dough setting because it was easy and my bread maker was already out, and it actually turned out pretty good. I’m not normally that lazy, but it had been a long day and I knew we were going to be rushing to get to the blueberry fields before they closed. Not gonna lie, I’m probably going to do it again because it was just so easy and the pies turned out really great.
Not so sweet was when this little one hid upstairs and painted her toenails with their ultimate LipSense stash without anyone noticing. I had literally just finished telling the neighbors* as we were searching for her that she’s not one to be destructive or act out when unsupervised. Way to prove me wrong in a big way, kiddo.
Want to know how I found all the matching clothing for my girls and their friends? It’s not as easy as you would think, especially for younger kids, which is why the two younger siblings has slightly different dresses in the same pattern and color scheme. Want to find out more? Check out The Complete Guide to Matching Clothing for Baby, Kids, and Siblings. Start your search here, and be sure to pin for later
*okay, so they aren’t technically our neighbors, but they once were… and that’s good enough for us. Once a neighbor, always a neighbor.
Well this is just precious