For this Matching Girls Monday, we're taking things all the way back to 2015 to the very first matching girls day, ever. Baby was almost two weeks old and we were getting ready to explore a new town near us, and my oldest brought in these Carter's dresses for them to wear. The smaller dress was size 12 months, obviously intended for when baby was much older than newborn, and it was sleeveless because it was bought for much warmer weather than February.
I remember I tried to talk my oldest out of the dresses, but she was persistent and adorably excited about her little sister. So, we added leggings, sweaters {sadly, they did not yet have matching sweaters}, and their brown boots, and made it work for our little newborn. Then we found a little mossy knoll and took some pictures.In other firsts, this picture was taken the first time we ever let our oldest hold her little sister while standing. She was obviously beside herself with joy being able to hold her sister like the mini mama she is. Every time I see it, my heart just melts. They both look so young!
Actually, all of my babies look like… babies. Just look at all three of them! Be still, my heart.At the time these pictures were taken, I never realized Matching Girls would become a thing. I mean, my oldest was 6, so I imagined she would be soon graduating from parent-picked dresses and outfits and starting to develop her own sense of style, one that wouldn't include dressing like her baby sister. While I was correct that she would soon be developing her own sense of style, I didn't factor in the intense amount of love she already had for her baby sister and the joy she would get in matching her.
I didn't realize that she would insist on matching clothes for every weekend for those first few weeks, wearing the two outfits we had that matched on repeat. And, I certainly never realized it would become a daily thing for over two years after that as their Matching Girls collection grew.
Last week, I packed up this little dress for the last time, and I cried. I cannot believe that this little baby no longer fits into this dress that at one time seemed so huge. I mean, I *can* believe it, because the dress is size 12 months and she's twice that now, but it still makes me sad that life is moving so fast. And, I will admit that it made me extra sad to pack away the larger dress at the same time, placed in the to-grow-into bin where it will sit for the next few years until it can be worn again. I just hope those years don't go by as fast as these last two have. This mama needs time to slow down so she can enjoy these matching girls.
Want to know how I found all the matching clothing for my girls? It's not as easy as you would think! This is why I created The Complete Guide to Matching Clothing for Baby, Kids, and Siblings. Have a photo shoot coming up and need matching or coordinating clothing? Start your search here!
This is the sweetest!
Thank you! I can’t believe this was two years ago!
What fun to see and read the Matching Girls story.
I love how sweet this is