Cute and comfortable customized footwear from ABEO

ABEO shoes side 6a0105362badb1970b01b8d26a17bd970c-800wiYou guys, I have seen the future of footwear. And, that future is amazing.

Imagine a world where you take a few minutes to stand on a sensor and a computer magically tells you not only your size, but also your specific fit needs. This world exists, and it’s just as amazing as it sounds. The high-tech computer system gives information about your arch height, walking style, and the balance of your step, which the ABEO program then uses to customize your footwear experience in a whole new way.

Yes, I said customize. ABEO shoes on side

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Lazoo Children’s Line Introduces New App

I’ve always had a thing for rubber rain boots. Not only are they totally practical for our rainy spring and fall here in the Northwest, they are also adorable on little kiddos and, even better, they love wearing them.  Because we love them so much, we have a tradition every year that we go out … Read more

Naturalizer Footwear

Holiday Gift Guide – Day 2 In my busy days taking care of kids there’s really no excuse to not wear comfortable shoes.  I already know I’m going to be chasing toddlers, carting bags and strollers, and walking a good deal, so there’s really not much room in the schedule for uncomfortable footwear.  This is … Read more